The Chakra Recalibration Sprays


The Chakra Recalibration Sprays

from $44.00

This bundle includes 8 Essences of the Rays of Light, one for each chakra and includes a Grounding spray for connecting you to Gaia properly via the Earth Star chakra. This bundle works great with the use of the Tibetan Chakra Toning modality. (Feel free to get in touch to have us teach you this modality if interested.)

These essences align you with Source Energy and your spiritual power with the use of the Rays of Light. When sprayed, the BEings of Light come forward to help clear and recalibrate each chakra. Aligning your chakras with the use of these sprays allows you to float in Divine Love, which is a blissful feeling.

The Chakra Recalibrating Essences include:

  • Crown Chakra

    • Life meaning, Purpose, Access to higher states of consciousness, Spiritual connection

  • Third Eye Chakra

    • Intuition, Foresight, Clairvoyance

  • Throat Chakra

    • Creativity, Communication, Self-Expression

  • Heart Chakra

    • Love, Compassion, Manifestation, Bridge between upper and lower chakras

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Personal power, Digestion, Will

  • Sacral Chakra

    • Pleasure, Reproduction

  • Root Chakra

    • Instinct, Sense of safety

  • Earth Chakra (Grounding)

    • Grounding your energies to Mother Earth/Gaia, Manifestation of desires into physical reality

We recommend spraying each chakra with the corresponding essences and to use them in order first. It accompanies energy therapy sessions like Reiki and Ray of Light therapy sessions perfectly. If you want to focus on chakras that require more recalibration than the others, feel free to also use that chakra’s spray more often. For instance, if you are working on communication, the throat chakra spray would be great for spraying over that area or in your aura in general.

At the time that these essences are used, the BEings of Light (Angels, Ascended Masters, Gods, and more) are called to your side, surrounding you with the Ray of Light they represent, upgrading your frequency and connecting you to Father God and Mother God (Source) energy.

These sprays support balance on energetic and physical levels.

Ingredients: All sprays include the Rays of Light, Hydrosols, and Crystalline Essences. All Chakra Sprays are scented with the following floral waters: Earth Star/Grounding (Vetiver Hydrosol), Root (Valencia Orange Hydrosol), Sacral (Jasmine Hydrosol), Solar Plexus (Bergamot Hydrosol), Heart (Rose Hydrosol), Throat (Juniper and Sage Hydrosol), Third Eye (Lavender Hydrosol), Crown (Lavender Hydrosol). All Chakra Sprays are infused the the following crystalline Essences: Earth Star/Grounding (Tigers Eye), Root (Ruby, Garnet, Hematite), Sacral (Goldstone, Carnelian, Coral), Solar Plexus (Citrine, Amber, Tiger’s Eye), Heart (Rose Quartz, Moss Agate, Emerald), Throat (Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise), Third Eye (Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Moldavite), Crown (Amethyst, Lepidolite, Clear Quartz).

Please do not take these sprays or their contents into your physical body.

Bottles are made of glass and are 30ml (1 fl oz) $44 each.

If you are outside of the US, please inquire about shipping rates before ordering or an invoice will be sent to you for the cost of shipping. First class/priority shipping and tracking provided.

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The feedback of those who use these sprays include feeling uplifted, having extraordinary experiences in meditations, began seeing and hearing Angels, and miracles increase in their lives. Everyone's experience is different and often depends on your sensitivities. However, no specific sensitivity or gift is required to experience the benefits of the sprays.

Testimony from Katie (USA):

Theresa has been such a gift in my life.  Her Sprays of Light have been life changing.  When I use each spray, chosen by which one I am guided to for each day, I feel an immediate peace and presence of guidance.  If I'm feeling turmoil, I will use my personal spray and I feel peace as the spray settles on my skin. I feel so grateful to have such an easy tool available to guide and shift my energy and to feel the presence of the angels who are guiding my life.